Sunday, October 5, 2008

Zucker's Harpooning the Left Dead On Target

Saw An American Carol yesterday here in my small (22,000 population) Texas town 56 miles south of Dallas. Our cinema is a small fourplex with about 250 seats per auditorium. There were 27 people including me at the 1:25 showing I attended. The price of admission here is $2.25 before 6PM, so the cut for the producers was minuscule for this showing.

It even fleetingly passed my mind to drive up to Dallas and pay full price in order to put my mouth where my money is to show my support for a film finally espousing Conservative Views. However, those same Conservative Views looked upon the $20-$25 of gas needed to make a 112-plus mile round trip to Big D and back as a silly waste of money that would not add anything to the total box office of An American Carol.

Now, on to the film and be warned there is a “Spoiler Alert” within as there are a few in the following.

Of the actors, several stood out. Let me touch on just a few. Kevin Farley nailed his Michael Malone/Moore role, but the character's coming around in the ending didn't ring true to me as I suspect the real Mike Moore would never, ever attempt in any way to stop any terrorist bombing of Americans in real life.

PS Kevin, don't waste time expecting "SNL" to call.

Kelsey Grammer’s Georgie Patton was both campy and close to home to anyone who has a more than passing knowledge of the real George S. Patton verses the bastardized Hollywood left version that never really existed. Grammer's effort is well done, but I fear it will not be viewed as such for I feel Kelsey's 20 years as Dr. Frasier Crane will forever haunt him in any role as much as his Patton character haunts his nemesis in this flick. If I could somehow make a Zucker type campy film, it would be a takeoff on the Hope-Crosby Road Pictures with Kelsey playing Bob Hope, but that is for another day when I win a $300 million lottery to produce that sucker.

Of course, Zucker regular Leslie Nielsen (Gadzooks, is this guy older that Barry Sullivan? Sorry, very, very old school 1960ish inside Hollywood joke!) was his usual crazy, funny, zany self.

Chriss Anglin’s JFK was a home run hitting it out of the park with his showing “Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty” quote was a pledge of American values completely outside the realm of today's anti-American Democrat Party.

Even though I am not a Bill O’Reilly fan at all, he was excellent playing a non-bloviating self and Vicki Browne's Rosie O'Connell was dead on in harpooning the real whalelike Rosie O'D!

Fred Travalena was unrecognizable as Jimmy Carter but then again, Jihadmmy himself is mostly unrecognizable as an American President in his nowadays love of anything unAmerican.

I have to add Gail O’Grady as a guilty pleasure as one of God's greatest creations I ever laid eyes upon even in her uglied up, dressed down part as one of the Michael Moore character's liberal cohorts.

The humor was very much in the Airplane/Naked Gun Zucker style and so very much hit the nail right on the head in targeting the Loony Liberal Left. I found myself not alone in laughing out loud many, many times as our merry band of 27 sounded at time several score loud.

Yet in all this zany madcap fun, there was a few moments that bought a lump to my throat and a tear to my eyes.

One was at the ending when a visualization of American fighting men from past wars was shown.

There was much said about David Morse playing George Washington in the HBO miniseries “John Adams” earlier this year. I watched it on DVD and had to agree Morse's acting was excellent in showing the stern, stoic Washington as history records.

Yet Jon Voight’s portrayal of George Washington absolutely floored me. In a sea of outragious comedy, seeing Voight in character was a stunning moment. The stark dignity and overwhelming humanity of the first view of this character was heart stopping. In the very brief scene his speaking of the dust within the chapel being the remains of the victims of 9/11 brought a chill to my spine and tears to my eyes.

Anyone who could watch this and not be similarly moved must be either a typical Obama Loving Liberal Democrat or Jihad Terrorist but it is so hard to tell the two apart.

But then again, isn't that the real message this film brings out?

And I could not agree more!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Biased or Just Opinionated?

After 40 plus adult years of watching Republicans and Democrats talk politics and being asked questions on their differing points, there are distinct differences in the style and methods of their answers in this day and time. That leads us to how the media covers the whole political enchilada.

Watching James Carville comment on Sarah Palin’s debate performance on CNN was akin to having a cat offer an opinion on how an ala carte lunch of mouse taste. Needless to say, James gave the Alaskan Governor marks that were below Beelzebub's views on original sin while Joe Biden was the Second Coming just behind the First Coming, Obama Himself.

What is the value of having Carville trash Palin like a bastard calf?

None at all unless you are a 100% Liberal Democrat.

Which lead us further down the political path to the value of asking any of today's Democrats any question?

Think back on all the questions asked of all Republicans and Democrats on all the political shows on all the news programs on both broadcast and cable the past 10 to 15 years.

For the most part, the Republicans give an answer and many times that answer is shaded with the Republican’s opinion, but it is an answer to what was asked. Now, 99 times out of 100 the Democrat never ever answers the question except for repeating the DNC’s daily talking points. The Democrat will most times continue this talking points tirade trying to talk over and drown out anyone else’s point of view.

Keep this in mind the next time you watch any time any Democrat is on the air answering any question other than the normal Mainstream Media's “Isn't Obama the greatest thing to ever happen to mankind?”

There is nothing wrong with having an opinion as it would be a very dull world if everyone agreed 100% on everything. But when one is biased everything they say is shaded with that outlook.

Example: the Obama campaign has implied that any criticism of his views are racist. If you do not agree with his every word, you are racist. If you do not follow him to the letter, you are racist. If you do not vote for Obama, you are a racist.

This view is a subtle undercurrent in four fifths of all news coverage getting us back to CNN asking James Carville’s opinion on Sarah Palin’s debate performance.

Which finally gets us to the proof in the pudding, are all the television news divisions and cable news channels overtly in the tank for Obama other than Fox News?

Yes, ABC, CBS, MSNBC and CNN are all so pro Obama that it is embarrassing to watch them claim to be unbiased while patting themselves on the back for showing how fair and banalced they are in trashing of any and all Conservative Republicans.

Combined with their fawning over Obama and presenting him in a Messianic light of epic proportions, to those of us old enough to recall, todays Mainstream Media's coverage of Obama is like the old days of Pravda, the Soviet version of truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth as the Kremlin says it, period!

Fox News is Fair and Balanced and one can readily agree that in a world of Liberal Spin offered as fact on the other news outlets, presenting both sides as Fox does can look odd. Just as a ray of light looks odd in a sea of darkness.