Sunday, August 24, 2008

Last time at the flicks and other semi-related ramblings...

Watched Street Kings and The Amatures on DVD recently and they were a mixed bag.

Street Kings really impressed me as I am not a fan of Keanu Reeves at all, but Keanu really impressed me with his acting. For the first time he played a character that I didn’t see as ‘ever so cool’ Keanu Reeves trying to act. Maybe he has finally grown up. The plot of Street Kings seemed to be an semi-update of LA Confidential that started really, really strong and kinda petered at the end with an ending I would have written much better had the pudknocker producers had me re-doctor the screenplay before shooting began. Hey, my script doctoring rates are pretty deadgum reasonable!

So, maybe there is hope for the 2008 remake of The Day The Earth Stood Still.

Then again... maybe not.

As to The Amateurs it was so-so as it had a lot of actors I really like (Tim Blake Nelson, Joe Pantoliano, William Fichtner, Glenne Headly, Lauren Graham, etc) in it, I was disappointed in Jeff Bridges' performance big time again! IMHO since The Big Lebowski in 1998, Jeff has gone down hill steadily with no bottom in sight! I thought he deserved an Oscar for Starman in 1984. He was great in The Fabulous Baker Boys & Wild Bill yet then came The Big Lebowski and pfftttft! (Polite way of saying “Dropping deeper and deeper in to the bottomless manure pit!”

BTW if you’ve not watched them, check out “Burn Notice” and “In Plain Sight” on USA cable channel and “Eureka” on the SCI FI Channel. They get my 100% Hot Babes About Seal of Approval and the storylines & plots are pretty darn good, too!

Now, sportfans, just a point to ponder with all this call for change as if there has not already been a boat load of change hereabouts!

My Grandfather was born in 1901 and he died in 1977. In the short 76 year span of his lifetime, mankind first took to the air in 1903 and landed on the Moon in 1969 and returned safely. By Grandpa’s death, man had been to the Moon six times and for all practical purposes abandoned further trips to develop the shuttle for low Earth orbit endeavors.

For all that to happen within one man’s life is amazing. That is not even mentioning the two World Wars, Korea, Vietnam and many smaller wars that came and went. Mankind was barely talking on the telephone from city to city and electric lights was mainly in the big cities in 1901 but the roots of the World Wide Web were just around the corner in 1977. Henry Ford’s Model-T was not yet invented when Grandpa was born, but at his passing, the anti-American Middle East petro holdings was just beginning to be come a really, really big problem.

Well, I was born in 1947 and if, God willing and the creek don't rise, I reach Grandpa's age of 76, it will be 2023 and maybe, just maybe, we will have Americans back on the Moon for good and getting read for them to go on to Mars and beyond. If so, I will want many more years to see how it all comes out.

However, if Obama gets elected, I might just opt out early and save getting massacred when Barack's change to a silly 'let's all love each other' ways allows Al-Qaeda to nuke us.


Jeana said...

Much better! Love the picture in your sidebar.

Jan/ said...

Amazing how much things can change in such a short time.