Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Perfect Crime

When the tree fell in the financial forest, the reported sound was deafening but hardly anyone talked about the ax.

Imagine if Hitler had won World War Two and having done so, his historians and propaganda machine would never speak of his crimes. Rather, they would blame all the problems on those horrible, nasty Jews led by Churchill and Roosevelt.

Recall the Pravda of the Soviet Union. Their truth was what ever Lenin, Stalin, Kruschev, Brezhnev or Chernenko wanted. Gorbachev manged to muff the punt, but the way of the past is roaring back under Putin and his current lapdog, Medvedev.

Now, consider today in that light.

The Liberal Wing of the Democrat Party has managed in the past six decades to gain control of the mainstream media that ignores the roots of the mortgage meltdown and subsequent toxic assets financial crisis by requiring lenders by force of law to make loans to their credit strapped constituents that could never expected to be repaid. To be so very frank, they set the game afoot.

Those feeding from the government mandated troff leading the pitchfork crowds demanding these loans be made are such as ACORN. That group manages to be indicted in numerous voter fraud incidents, but this is never tied to the election of their darling to be the Community Organizer in Chief. The plot thickens.

When this toxic brew comes to fruition in the Dawn of Obama, the cavalry self-driving to the rescue are the same ones who created the mess, they have now moved past pouring trillions of dollars down their earmark rat holes, they cry blame to high heaven over the bonuses paid by the financial institutions while not mentioning they put approval for these payouts in their bill passed and signed pell-mell into law without anyone knowing the details.

When this financial crisis cause huge ripples in the American Automotive Industry, guilt is passed around on all except that bastion of Liberal Democrat campaign funds and worker bees, the Unions. These folks are as off the mainstream media's radar as the true job description of those Lithuanian guards at those “work will make you free camps” was never mentioned by Joe Goebbels. As much a nonentity as was those gulag camps never mentioned by Pravda.

Not wanting any of their created string of crisis to go to waste, the Liberal Democrats and their Fearless Leaders have moved the federal government's nose under the tent flap of capitalism where the President of the United States is firing and hiring at GM. This will be followed by more force of law for the government to seize any private industry while hiring, firing and salaries policies are to be set by a cabal of Obama’s Oval Office, his non-tax-paying Treasury Secretary, the Majority Leader of the Senate and Speakeress of the House.

Looks like the day of Communist Central Government Control and never ending Five Year Plans are coming down the pike. Trillions for dogma and deep cuts in defense.

Our world popular President send videos to Iran, bows to the Saudi King, claims success when France and Germany offer trainers rather than combat troops for Afghanistan and scolds North Korea's ICMB launch because they broke the rules!

Our foreign opponents are in seventh heaven, they see victory at the end of Obama’s tunnel.

Unless the American voters comes to their senses, we shall all be the victims of the perfect crime committed by the Liberal Democrats, never reported on by their cohorts in the media and to be set down in history by their scribes as a great triumph over the evils of Republicanism and Capitalism.

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